21 Navigation Business Village Navigation Way, Ashton-On-Ribble, Preston, UK, PR2 2YP mollyroeplc@gmail.com
    (Incorporated in England with Registered Number 02055395)

Company Info
About Mollyroe plc
The Directors focus is on finding investment opportunities in spatial computing and intelligent natural interfaces that we consider are the next computing paradigm and one that will fundamentally change human and machine interaction. The interplay between these technologies and technologies traditionally created for the games industry (including but not limited to Virtual Reality, Unreal Engine and Unity) are disrupting numerous sectors from, training, AI driven simulation, architectural visualisation and data visualisation solutions that assimilate rich and complex data into intuitive, interactive spatial simulations for more rapid and efficient analysis, insight and learning.
Paul Ryan (Executive) 
Mr Ryan has over 20 years of commercial, regulatory and advisory experience. Mr Ryan has acted as a consultant, primarily on strategy and public policy, to a range of clients including FTSE100 and Fortune 500 companies largely in the ICT space. He held a variety of board positions with leading mobile operator Vodafone Group. Mr Ryan is a qualified (non-practising) solicitor in the UK and graduated from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Noel Lyons (Non-Executive)
Mr Lyons is an operational executive with over 30 years direct experience in the oil, gas and mining sector mainly in Africa and the Middle East. His experience is primarily on the operational side, including strategic management, operations, project management, funding and value creation, generally with listed companies. He is the founder of Clean Invest Africa plc, a company focused on delivering an attractive return through acquiring stakes in clean energy companies, remediation technologies, waste-to-energy technologies and other clean energy related projects.

Share Price, Holdings and Exchange
Mollyroe Plc has 40,275,480 shares in issue. The Company is quoted on the Aquis Growth Market.

Shareholders with an interest over 4%:

No. of Ordinary Shares
Approx. %
Paul Ryan (Executive Director)
Noel Lyons (Non-Executive Director)
Excession Trust
Roger Shane

Number of shares not in public hands = 11,490,160 (28.52% of issued share capital).

Corporate Strategy
Our investment strategy is to focus on opportunities in the technology sector. The Company will focus on opportunities which would provide the Company with an economic interest (by equity, royaltyor debt participation) and a controlling interest (through board or management positions) and whose potential value, over the long term, is greater than the price and costs expended by the Company to acquire them. The Company also reserves the ability to make investments outside of the technology sector, if the Directors believe that they will bring long-term value to shareholders. The Company does not propose to limit its search to any specific geographic location, however the Directors will ensure that the geographic location of any investment opportunity is suitable for institutional investment in the London market.

Initially within the technology segment opportunities are likely to arise in Spatial computing and intelligent natural interfaces are the next computing paradigm which will fundamentally change human and machine interaction. We are already seeing the impact of this rapidly evolving technology across all sectors (driverless cars being the most commonly quoted example), further, the interplay between these technologies and technologies traditionally created for the games industry (including but not limited to Virtual Reality, Unreal Engine and Unity) are disrupting numerous sectors from, training, AI driven simulation, architectural visualisation and data visualisation solutions that assimilate rich and complex data into intuitive, interactive spatial simulations for more rapid and efficient analysis, insight and learning. Our focus will be on investing in technology companies or technology-enabled services companies within this rapidly developing market.

Corporate Governance
The Directors are committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance, and, so far as is practicable given the Company’s size and nature, to comply with the QCA Code.

The Board holds at least four board meetings a year and will also hold timely board meetings as and when issues arise which require its attention. The Board is responsible for the management of the business of the Company, setting the strategic direction of the Company.

The Board has not formally established committees – Remuneration, Audit, Risk and Compliance and an audit and Risk Committee. The Company has established Financial Position and Prospects procedures and adopted an anti-bribery and corruption policy. Read full details here.



Financial Adviser:

Peterhouse Capital Limited
Financial Adviser and Corporate Broker
Guy Miller and Charles Goodfellow
+44 (0)20 7469 0930

Alex House
260-268 Chapel Street
M3 5JZ

5 St John’s Lane
+44 (0)20 7692 5500

Company Secretary:
RT Secretarial Services Limited
21 Navigation Business Village
Navigation Way
Preston, Lancashire

Paul Ryan

Ticker symbol:

ISIN (Shares):
Number. GB00BRC0TZ46

Legal Entity Identifier:

Regulatory Announcements:

Click here for the latest news.

22 Mar 24 - Notice of GM
22 Mar 24 - Form of Proxy
21 Mar 24 - Electronic Communications

Annual Reports and Circulars:
Year ended 31 December 2023
Year ended 31 December 2022
Year ended 31 December 2021
Year ended 31 December 2020
Year ended 31 December 2019
Year ended 31 December 2018